Part of your life is lived with people that make it fun and easier. Little things bring people together. Even people that are so different can be friends and get along. Having friends bring happiness Friends can come and go, a friendship can start in a trip, in a bus, because of other friend or even because of a fight...They can be in your life for years or for just a few hours but all and each of them leave a piece in your heart and memory. You can share moments of happiness or sadness with friends. Some of them leave your life and what you get back is nothing good but you still miss the good moments.
I’ve seen friendships ending because of silly things. An argument, a lie, or just because people can do mean things and hurt each other. During your life friends will come and go. Some are loyal some other not much. Trust is something that comes with time and suspicion is like a bad seed in the right place can make lots of damage.
In the end what really matter are the moments you spend with all your friends .How it end is nothing. And you never know what will happen in the future. You may come to be with them again… You can just forget about how it ended and talk about the fun you have together.
I read a long time ago a message about friends that said there two kinds of friends: the comets and the stars. The comets are the ones that come and go and the stars are the ones that stay long or leave marks on your life. At that time I tried to figure it out my friends who were comets and who were stars but now I feel like all friends are comets and in some ways they are stars too. Because all of them leave memories and pieces of themselves in you.
What I really want to do now is thank for all my friends. And I mean all of them: Romina (I didn’t forget about you), Paulo, Rafael, Dani, Luana, Rebeca, Adriana, Janmara, Livia, Erika, Estevan, Derik, Luana, Thales, Mario, Thiago, Zeno, Katia, Josias, Julio, Camila, Dani, Gabriel, Raquel, Simone, Paula, Claudineia, Patricia, Simone, Raquel, Gi, Andreia, Luciana, Odair, Rafa, João, Fabio, Nilson, Ricardo, Roger, Danilo, Cleber, Tiago, Yuri N, Yuri P., Bruno (mala), Naamã, Sergio, Almir,Eduardo, Ronaldo, Leandro, Ariane, Bete, Karla, Ivanise, Miriam, Renata, Thiago F. Renata, Fran, Ivanise, Guilherme Filipe, Tito, Calipo, Paula, Camila, Fernanda, Lily, Andrey, Dominic, Melissa, Steve, Dahreush, Kayvon, Laila, Abi, Marliana, Ardalon, Sharouz, Ezie, Tyler, Willy, Isa, Thais, Jade, Livia, Zeith, Andrea, Silvia, Alessandra, Ana Paula, Mari, Chris, Frida, Cris,Leila, Pri, Juliana, Camila, Fran, Eduardo.... A lot more!!! Thank you all for sharing moments of your life with me.